Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Sketch Model of Your Room

Hi All,

One of your classmates, Jatin Midha, summarised the Week 5 task of "making a better version of your room", really well ... he said:

We "improve/add/change elements of our room to showcase the folding techniques we learned through the videos".

Looking back to the Studio Activities Week 5 (to be completed at home) on Moodle this is one of the videos he is referring to:

The Studio Activities Week 5 links to more of the videos Jatin is referring to here: http://foldingtechniques.com/folding-techniques

We should be able to see evidence of these techniques applied to the model of your room. For example, in one model you might use the concentric scoring technique to create a new surface that joins a wall to the ceiling. In a second sketch model you might create a set of "masu" boxes to suggest storage shelves or a library. Making a better version of your room doesn't have to be strictly functional though ... some of your folding showcases could be simply to create a more exciting space.

If you are finding the 1:10 scale difficult with respect to the cardboard or paper you have to hand, you might change scales ... but communicate your justification for this on the blog post which has your sketch models.

If you have other flat/sheet materials available feel free to try these folding techniques on them. The Week 5 lecture is worth looking at again to show you how common household items can be reused as model making materials.   

Remember to take plenty of photos and upload them to your blog. Adding human figures and other editing in Photoshop could also help communicate your folding showcase, utilising skills you already have.


Kate and Russell

Monday, March 23, 2020

Paper folding technique for Fusion 360 model

Hi All,

As you know, our initial intention was that you would laser cut your 2.5d Fusion 360 models from 3mm plywood. We are still having you go through the process of creating those files, ready to be laser cut, and now you'll just submit the file for assessment. These are important skills for the future.

Looking ahead to Week 7, you'll create a physical paper model based on your Fusion 360 model of a Transition Space. But instead of using the same tongue and groove technique that works well with 3mm thick plywood you'll use the unfolding technique shown below because it works much better with the paper you have access to in your drawing kit:

A simple house

An Alfa Romeo race car

Google Cardboard VR headset


Russell and Kate

Sketch Models

Hi All,

Some inspiration for paper and card Sketch Models ... with key words to Spark your imagination:




Human Figure (Yas Lab)

Transformation (Yas Lab)


Human Scale


Drawing in 3d